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We recently improved this API so it’s easier to program and reason about. If you were using it prior to August 17th 2021, read this guide for info on how to upgrade.

Keystone generates a CRUD (create, read, update, delete) GraphQL API based on the schema definition provided in the system config.

Consider the following system definition:

import { config, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone';
import { text } from '@keystone-next/keystone/fields';
export default config({
lists: {
User: list({ fields: { name: text() } }),
/* ... */

This system will generate the following GraphQL API.

Note: The names and types of the generated queries and mutations are based on the names of the lists and fields in the system config.

type Query {
where: UserWhereInput! = {}
orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []
take: Int
skip: Int! = 0
): [User!]
user(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!): User
usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int
type User {
id: ID!
name: String
input UserWhereUniqueInput {
id: ID
input UserWhereInput {
AND: [UserWhereInput!]
OR: [UserWhereInput!]
NOT: [UserWhereInput!]
id: IDFilter
name: StringNullableFilter
input IDFilter {
equals: ID
in: [ID!]
notIn: [ID!]
lt: ID
lte: ID
gt: ID
gte: ID
not: IDFilter
input StringNullableFilter {
equals: String
in: [String!]
notIn: [String!]
lt: String
lte: String
gt: String
gte: String
contains: String
startsWith: String
endsWith: String
mode: QueryMode
not: NestedStringNullableFilter
enum QueryMode {
input NestedStringNullableFilter {
equals: String
in: [String!]
notIn: [String!]
lt: String
lte: String
gt: String
gte: String
contains: String
startsWith: String
endsWith: String
not: NestedStringNullableFilter
input UserOrderByInput {
id: OrderDirection
name: OrderDirection
enum OrderDirection {
type Mutation {
createUser(data: UserCreateInput!): User
createUsers(data: [UserCreateInput!]!): [User]
updateUser(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!, data: UserUpdateInput!): User
updateUsers(data: [UserUpdateArgs!]!): [User]
deleteUser(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!): User
deleteUsers(where: [UserWhereUniqueInput!]!): [User]
input UserUpdateInput {
name: String
input UserUpdateArgs {
where: UserWhereUniqueInput!
data: UserUpdateInput!
input UserCreateInput {
name: String



type Query {
user(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!): User
type User {
id: ID!
name: String
input UserWhereUniqueInput {
id: ID


type Query {
where: UserWhereInput! = {}
orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []
take: Int
skip: Int! = 0
): [User!]
type User {
id: ID!
name: String
input UserWhereInput {
AND: [UserWhereInput!]
OR: [UserWhereInput!]
NOT: [UserWhereInput!]
id: IDFilter
name: StringNullableFilter
input IDFilter {
equals: ID
in: [ID!]
notIn: [ID!]
lt: ID
lte: ID
gt: ID
gte: ID
not: IDFilter
input StringNullableFilter {
equals: String
in: [String!]
notIn: [String!]
lt: String
lte: String
gt: String
gte: String
contains: String
startsWith: String
endsWith: String
mode: QueryMode
not: NestedStringNullableFilter
enum QueryMode {
input NestedStringNullableFilter {
equals: String
in: [String!]
notIn: [String!]
lt: String
lte: String
gt: String
gte: String
contains: String
startsWith: String
endsWith: String
not: NestedStringNullableFilter
input UserOrderByInput {
id: OrderDirection
name: OrderDirection
enum OrderDirection {


type Query {
usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int
input UserWhereInput {
AND: [UserWhereInput!]
OR: [UserWhereInput!]
NOT: [UserWhereInput!]
id: IDFilter
name: StringNullableFilter
input IDFilter {
equals: ID
in: [ID!]
notIn: [ID!]
lt: ID
lte: ID
gt: ID
gte: ID
not: IDFilter
input StringNullableFilter {
equals: String
in: [String!]
notIn: [String!]
lt: String
lte: String
gt: String
gte: String
contains: String
startsWith: String
endsWith: String
mode: QueryMode
not: NestedStringNullableFilter
enum QueryMode {
input NestedStringNullableFilter {
equals: String
in: [String!]
notIn: [String!]
lt: String
lte: String
gt: String
gte: String
contains: String
startsWith: String
endsWith: String
not: NestedStringNullableFilter



type Mutation {
createUser(data: UserCreateInput!): User
input UserCreateInput {
name: String
type User {
id: ID!
name: String


type Mutation {
createUsers(data: [UserCreateInput!]!): [User]
input UserCreateInput {
name: String
type User {
id: ID!
name: String


type Mutation {
updateUser(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!, data: UserUpdateInput!): User
input UserWhereUniqueInput {
id: ID
input UserUpdateInput {
name: String
type User {
id: ID!
name: String


type Mutation {
updateUsers(data: [UserUpdateArgs!]!): [User]
input UserUpdateArgs {
where: UserWhereUniqueInput!
data: UserUpdateInput!
input UserWhereUniqueInput {
id: ID
input UserUpdateInput {
name: String
type User {
id: ID!
name: String


type Mutation {
deleteUser(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!): User
input UserWhereUniqueInput {
id: ID
type User {
id: ID!
name: String


type Mutation {
deleteUsers(ids: [UserWhereUniqueInput!]!): [User]
input UserWhereUniqueInput {
id: ID
type User {
id: ID!
name: String


The Keystone GraphQL API is powered by Apollo Server. When something goes wrong with a query or mutation, one or more errors will be returned in the errors array returned to the GraphQL client.

Keystone provides custom errors where possible, including custom error codes and messages. These error codes and messages can be used to provide useful feedback to users, and also to help identify possible bugs in your system. The following error codes can be returned from the Keystone GraphQL API.

  • KS_USER_INPUT_ERROR: The input to the operation is syntactically correct GraphQL, but the values provided are invalid. E.g, an orderBy input without any keys.
  • KS_ACCESS_DENIED: The operation is not allowed because of an Access Control rule.
  • KS_FILTER_DENIED: The filter or ordering operation is not allowed because of isFilterable or isOrderable rules.
  • KS_VALIDATION_FAILURE: The operation is not allowed because of a validation rule.
  • KS_LIMITS_EXCEEDED: The user has exceeded their query limits.
  • KS_EXTENSION_ERROR: An error was thrown while excuting a system extension function, such as a hook or an access control function.
  • KS_ACCESS_RETURN_ERROR: An invalid value was returned from an access control function.
  • KS_RESOLVER_ERROR: An error occured while resolving the input for a field.
  • KS_RELATIONSHIP_ERROR: An error occured while resolving the input relationship field.
  • KS_PRISMA_ERROR: An error occured while running a Prisma client operation.